Sunday, November 1, 2009

Chapter one

With only one eye open, he scans the room. The dresser drawers are all out and open, clothes around the floor, the bed covered in socks. The window shades are slightly open and the TV is on but not the cable box.

At least I'm in my room this time

Jason gets up and drags his feet to the bathroom. The light turns on to a slight electric buzz that booms in his head.

"Yeah definitely my apartment". Searching the cabinet, he finds some aspirin.

Getting into the shower he swallows them, dry. He tries to stand steady but gives up. He leans against the wall and let's the hot water envelope him. Memories of the night flash through his head, bits and pieces or laughter, music, and even more head pounding.

"My God, I need to watch what I mix"

"You got that right buddy"

Startled, he suddenly realizes the sound he couldn't place was the water running in the sink. He sees a woman in her underwear taking out aspirin from his medicine cabinet. Even more memories rush to the surface now.

"Oh! Uhhh... Good morning?"

"What's so good about it?" Large dark green eyes study him intently. Her face cracks in a smile that catches her eyes and ties them down to earth. Dark brown hair flows over one shoulder as she tries putting on an earring. "I'm just kidding Jason, don't look so hurt"

Realizing he's standing naked in the shower– in a stupor – he blushes and grabs at the curtains. "I'm not hurt just ummm... I didn't really realize you were still here"

"Oh." She says and abruptly walks out of the bathroom. Jason leans out to watch what's happening and sees that she is picking though the piles of clothes. "What are you doing?"

"Well obviously I'm looking for clothes to put on so I can get out of your hair. Obviously, I wasn't expected to be staying for breakfast"

Good job Jason.

"If you don't mind. I would actually prefer if you umm... stayed. I uhhh don't... really have... much to eat but ummm... see I didn't really know" She kisses him before he gets another ummm in and his eyes bulge.


"You're a lot cuter sober. Sure. I'll stay"

She walks off towards the kitchen area.

Realizing he's staring, Jason goes back to concentrating on getting clean.

Oh man, what am I doing? FUUUCK, what's her name? Hey I don't have a headache any...

The curtains pull back and Jason jumps and covers himself.

"Eeev...e..lyn? What are you doing?!"

She laughs and looks at him, those green eyes smiling wider than her mouth. "For a second there I thought you didn't remember my name. But I told you that you can just call me Eve, like everyone else does. Where do you keep your coffee?"

“Huh? Oh, yeah umm.... its in the top cabinet on the left hand side.” As she walks out, he catches himself staring again. He turns the tap to cold.


“Hey, what's your name? You're so cute you know that? Where have you been hiding this whole time?”

The gray and black feline was staring at Evelyn with his head cocked. She ignores him after a moment and starts to move empty bottles of liquor from the table. Jason comes in wearing jeans, a white button up and tie. He looks around and has a look of surprise to find minimal damage to his apartment. Eve is pouring coffee into two mugs on the table.

“Sweet and light, or dark and bitter?” Evelyn asks without looking at him.

“Huh...? Oh the coffee, yeah ummm... sweet.... please..... Is that a cat?” The cat is purring as it wraps itself around his legs.

“What do you mean? Of course it's a cat. He's not yours?” Evelyn picks up the cat, but it seems to be ignoring her, locking it's eyes on Jason. He seems to think he knows you.” It must be a regular thing for you. The cat's not the only one studying Jason.

“Well, I know for sure I don't know who he is. How did he get in here?”

The cat jumps from Evelyn's hands and jumps on Jason's jeans. “HEY! No climbing, what... hey, stop that!” Jason catches the cat in his arms. He looks at Evelyn and sees her smiling. He catches her eyes for a moment and smiles, unable to remember himself. He realizes he's staring after she raises her eyebrows questioningly. He sets the cat down and scratches his dark brown hair. “Where did this cat come from?”

Eve hands him his coffee. She shakes her head and just looks at him with her head tilted. She is tall, able to look straight into his eyes. “I have no clue, I thought he belonged here” The cat walks over to the couch in the living room and lies on top of a sweater on the floor. He stares at Jason, yawns and puts his head on his paws. “He seems to think he belongs here.”

“What happened here? I could have sworn this place was going to be worse”

The apartment is in slight disarray, but nothing seems to be broken. The living room is separated from the kitchen by a counter. He walks around to get a better look. There are some glasses on the small coffee table in the center of the room. The couch cushions are around the the table, the Wii game remotes in different corners of the room. The television is still on and so is the game system. Jason walks over and shuts them off and finds a few beer cans on top of both. Other than that, it just looks like any other bachelor pad. Or maybe because of it. The writing desk on one side of the wall seemed untouched.

Eve is sitting on the kitchen table, drinking her coffee and eating crackers she found on the table. She watches as Jason begins to collect beer cans and cups. She gets up and starts to do the dishes.

“You don't have to do that, I can take care of it. Thanks.”

She splashes soapy water in his face, “Well, sure I have to be somewhere anyway.”

She drys her hands and walks over to the kitchen counter. Wearing a light gray and black dress cut low around the bosom, with black stockings and short heeled shoes, she looked as though she had never spent the night. “I have to go home to get freshened up for the day.”

“Oh, umm yeah... Well, I hope maybe... we could...”

“I took the liberty to add my number to your phone, give me a call if you want to meet up again sometime” She walks over and gives him a peck on the cheek. Jason looks into her eyes and can't help but wonder whats going on. What happened last night? She smiles as if she's reading his thoughts, gives him a kiss on the lips turns and walks out through the living room.

“See you later, stud” The door closes behind her and all Jason could think was, Huh?


  1. its good boo.
    evelyn's character is established pretty quickly with limited detail so it shows her strength and u def make her seem important already, despite Jason not havin recollection of her.

    jason is developed pretty well too, lost, confused, he has a lot to learn it's clear. anyone can relate to him cuz everyone was him at one point or another. his neutrality is obvious.

    my only issue is the word HE or she maybe but really HE
    you do not need this word.
    i mean maybe it's your style and you're trying to make the first chapter seem cold and distant?
    but it makes it sound very monotone, and kinda fucks with the flow a little. i think you should blend your sentences a little, otherwise it sounds like directions.


  2. I like the way it reads. The style is a bit original and the details are sprinkled between the story line allowing them to be bit size instead of long descriptive blocks of text. At times I get a little lost with the perspective. I know it's supposed to be 3rd person but the line seems to blend at certain points and can be a bit confusing. Re-read it and see if you can straighten that out. When the narrator's speaking it should be clear.

    I like the story a lot. The style is different and I can appreciate the way it's written. I do agree with the other comment when it comes to the character development with minimal information. You have projected a sense of how this may work. The cat, however needs a bit of brushing up. The story is a little rough around the edges but has a really nice skeleton. I really think you should keep writing. I'm interested in seeing what happens next.

  3. Maybe i don't want you guys to really concentrate on the cat. sheesh.
